This Is the Biz

Derek Lambert

Are You Interested In Playing In A Folk Band? 4 Things To Consider When You Select Your First Custom Made Bodhran Drum

The bodhran drum has long been a treasured part of traditional Irish music, and you might be able to pick out the sound of one if you listen to a folk band that has Celtic roots. Your decision to learn how to play this style of drum is one that allows you to tap into the artistry that people put into making this traditional instrument. On the surface, a bodhran drum l

Diesel Engine Oil Guide

Your choice of engine oil is important, especially when it comes to diesel vehicles. The standards that apply to gas engines may not apply to your diesel, and nowhere is this more obvious than with the engine oil. The following can help you better understand the oil needs of your vehicle. Does the type of diesel oil matter? Diesel oil is divided into two main types. T

Modern Features Of Pedestrian Crosswalk Systems

Protecting pedestrians in areas of high traffic is always a priority for business owners and entities in charge of overseeing highway and roadway development. While many locations are still using the basic crosswalk styles with markings on the road and maybe a small light, the modern crosswalk systems are far more complex and valuable for the modern pedestrian. Take a

Are You Opening Up A New Business? 4 Benefits Of Including Snow Removal Services In Your Plans Right Away

Making plans for your business includes thinking about possible situations that can happen in the future that you can deal with now. Depending upon where your business is located, you could face large amounts of snow that can interfere with the ability for your employees to do their job to keep things safe in the parking lot and building. Fortunately, you can arrange

5 Teas You Should Drink When You Have a Cold

When you have a cold or the flu, one of the best things you can do is make sure you stay well-hydrated. Staying well-hydrated can be achieved through drinking water or drinking some tea. When you drink tea, you get double benefits: you get to stay well-hydrated while taking something that can help fight your cold as well. #1: Peppermint Tea When you drink peppermint t