This Is the Biz

A Brief Guide To Helicopter Maintenance Tools

According to statistics, in 2020, there were 2,879 registered helicopters in Canada. If you plan to or already own this type of aircraft, you likely understand why they are essential. That is more so when you consider all the challenges associated with commercial aviation, including cramped economy flights, lost baggage, delays, cancellations, and inconsiderate or noisy fellow passengers. Using a helicopter helps you avoid all these and much more. But, these machines need regular maintenance to guarantee safe performance and last longer. And that requires you to have the necessary tools and equipment. Some of the helicopter maintenance tools and components you need are listed below.

1.       Jacks

Most helicopters are considerably heavy. For instance, a medium utility chopper may weigh about 1,727 kg when empty. You can't handle all this weight without tools like jacks. A jack is simply a device designed to help you lift heavy objects, like copters. Most modern aircraft jacking tools rely on hydraulic systems, including axle, bipod, tripod, and quadropod jacks. Axle jacks are different from the rest because their primary purpose is lifting aircraft wheels for maintenance or repairs, but most of the others can lift any part of a helicopter. A bipod jack comes with a single adjustable leg and two fixed legs, a tripod helicopter jack has three fixed legs, and a quadropod aircraft jack is supported by two flexible and two fixed legs.

2.       Fluids

Helicopters and their components use numerous fluids, including engine oil and hydraulic fluid. Oil reduces friction within the engine and facilitates cooling, sealing, and cleaning. On the other hand, hydraulic fluid protects the components in an aircraft hydraulic system from damage. Since fluids or lubricants determine a helicopter's performance and the lifespan of components like hydraulic machines and rotors, periodic changes are mandatory. And having all the products you need to do that is advisable rather than making last-minute scrambles. Besides, you can't ignore this maintenance phase because it can lead to aircraft transmission or power failures, followed by devastating and often fatal consequences.   

3.       Work stands and decks

There are some helicopter parts you can't service from the ground, but you can do it from platforms like work stands and maintenance decks. Experts design aircraft work stands to help you reach helicopter rotors for maintenance. But, although most hangars have work stands, some engineers prefer performing maintenance from decks. The reason is that quality helicopter maintenance decks are efficient and designed to prevent maintenance workers from venturing outside the safe zone while trying to access different parts. All in all, you need work stands and aircraft maintenance decks to help you inspect and maintain your helicopter safely at height.

For more information, contact a company that sells items like BK117 maintenance equipment.